Reiki Healing

Reiki is a Japanese healing art, that may have many benefits including:

Stress anxiety- help reduce stress and anxiety             

PAIN- help with muscle tension                                  

Mood - help improve mood and well- being

Depression- May help with depression

Healing body - can help support the body's natural healing ability 

Balance Chakra's and many more!

REIKI Healing session distant- $90.00 USD

DESCRIPTION - This distant healing session that can be performed in a number of ways when you are not able to receive one in person. In this session a proxy use visualization or a projection of reiki can be used to send healing.

The distant symbol will be used to join our energy together in a sacred healing place.

Reiki session in person -$ 140.00 USD- This session is performed in person (Charleston, Sc residents only) - 

Client Disclaimer: i hereby give my consent to participate in this in distant or in person Reiki treatment and healing session and understand that the services provided by" Gigi the Healer" is intended to provide relaxation and reduce stress.

I understand completely that the services provided during the Reiki treatment and healing session are in no way a substitute for traditional medical treatments or advice,

I am fully aware that Gigi the healer, will not offer any diagnosis or recommend any Medical Treatment or prescribed medication.

I understand that I must continue to have regular check- ups as part of my personal health care plan, and I should contact my own health care provider ( physician